Part of a "Reclaiming Art Practice" this was developed from old and new ideas. From the beginning FOXES, CATS, AND BIRDS was the image transfer to include my previous work. Keeping this in mind, words from a pick pile were glued at the corners. Next the image was printed and sponge-wash transferred to the background. With diluted ink brushing and gold leaf the image is finished.
During a lesson on color theory, I began to think of what traits characters might be represent in their colors. Working with the Three Primary Colors, it became clear that Red and Blue were the most dominant pairing found during the research phase. Centering on the characters with both RED and BLUE, the collage than seperates the two colors to opposite sides. I've been considering to do a follow up collage with GREEN and YELLOW.
Cleaning out old boxes found was a stack of car magazines from the past. Organizing the finds in a manor consistant with my previous CONCEPT work.